MIDVAAL - The Midvaal Local Municipality said its Mayor Peter Teixeira, recently attended the Small Business Institute (SBI) Indaba to give an account of the impact a functional municipality has on small businesses. Municipal spokesperson, Idah Satikhe, said in a statement the SBI Indaba convened more than 130 small business owners, business chambers and other stakeholders from across the country for engaging and informative discussions. During his keynote address, Texeira emphasised the crucial role of SMMEs by saying that Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) as the backbone of our nation's economy. He said SMMEs are pivotal for economic growth and reducing unemployment rates. Midvaal said they understands that supporting local businesses, hiring locally, and working within their community empowers the municipality. Satikhe said the Executive Mayor's presence reaffirms Midvaal's commitment to positioning itself as the premier investment destination in Gauteng.
PHOTO: (Midvaal Local Municipality)