MIDVAAL - The Democratic Alliance’s (DA) Gauteng Premier Candidate, Solly Msimanga MPL, recently made an oversight visit to the Midvaal Municipality. Msimanga said in a statement the visit was highlighted by site visits, and in-depth presentations regarding the nature of the water issues faced by the municipality. After attending the briefing by Midvaal Mayor, Peter Texiera, he and the MMC of Engineering Cllr Reginald Hubbard escorted the delegation to various sites. Msimanga said it is clear that they are planning and building for the next 10 years – by creating and implementing their own plan. He said while municipalities across the province struggle to receive Telemetry data from Rand Water, Midvaal has begun installing live Telemetry metres in their reservoirs. This monitors the amount of water coming from Rand Water, and allows for adjustment on the side of the municipality when supply is throttled. According to Msimanga, the sad truth that this oversight has revealed, is that Rand Water simply isn’t living up to their end of the bargain, especially with regards to other municipalities in the province. In Midvaal, they have no other choice but to assist, because the municipality has solved their own issues, and is able to hold them to account.