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South Africa is the most dangerous country to drive in.

VAAL TRIANGLE - A research was conducted in over fifty countries worldwide and it was found that South African roads are the most dangerous, mainly because people drive under the influence of alcohol.Maroela Media reports that the American driving training group Zutobi's latest research on road safety measured risk factors of 53 countries. The research was also modeled on information from the World Health Organization about estimated road deaths in each country. It was found that there are 22.2 road deaths per 100,000 people in South Africa. Only Thailand has more road deaths with 32.2 per 100,000 people. Norway is the safest country to drive in. South Africa has the worst road deaths attributed to alcohol use, with more than 50% of accidents alcohol-related.

Meanwhile, the Association for Alcohol Responsibility and Education has advised South Africans to drink responsibly as they prepare for the holidays.The organization also emphasizes the dangers of drinking and driving, and suggests alternatives such as designated drivers and solutions such as rental cars. Meanwhile, there is a decline in the use of beer in South Africa which is attributed to a move away towards more affordable alcoholic beverages. Data shows that increases in the price of beer between 2013 and 2019 exceeded the rate of inflation.

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