VANDERBIJLPARK - The Freedom Front Plus says that due to the ANC's mismanagement of the Emfuleni local municipality, Eskom has now taken over power supply to this municipality. The agreement follows a court decision in July last year in terms of which all companies paid their outstanding power debt directly to Eskom from September 2023. From November 1, households will become part of the agreement. There are a total of 76,000 account holders in Emfuleni who will now pay directly to Eskom for power supply. Eskom is also now responsible for the municipal power distribution infrastructure. Gerda Senekal of the FF Plus says that due to the agreement, Emfuleni will obtain practically no income from power supply and there is a possibility that he will not be able to meet his other obligations. The agreement will further make it impossible for Emfuleni to settle its historical debt of R5.2-billion to Eskom. The agreement will be terminated when Emfuleni has paid its debt to Eskom in full.
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